St Joseph
Catholic Parish
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Making the Journey
​Becoming a Catholic is a life long journey that begins with our baptism and continues throughout our life. It is a continual saying “Yes” to the Lord. Like all human institutions, we are not perfect, however together we are called to strengthen one another in faith. As Pope Francis so aptly noted “the Church is a field hospital” a place where wounded people gather to receive grace, forgiveness and mercy from God.
If you are interested in joining us in this journey, contact the parish office or your nearest Catholic parish. Come see why our Holy Father stated that belonging to the Church “is truly the most wonderful experience we can have: to belong to a people walking, journeying through history together with our Lord, who walks among us! We are not alone; we do not walk alone. We are part of the one flock of Christ that walks together.” We invite you to come walk with us.
What is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)?
The RCIA is not simply a “convert class”, nor is it just a “new way to become Catholic”. It is, rather, an ancient rite of the Church, whereby adults learn more about the Catholic Faith, share their own faith stories, grow in relationship with Jesus Christ, and are immersed into the faith life and practice of the Catholic Church. One of the important aspects of the RCIA is that it is a “process”; an initiation process, and a process of conversion. It is also a journey; a journey which we make together, but which will be different for each person on the journey.
On this journey you will be assisted by the support and prayers of many people in this parish community. Primary among these people will be the RCIA team, your sponsors, and your prayer partners. You will also, however, come to experience the prayerful support of the entire parish community.
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