St Joseph
Catholic Parish

THANK YOU for considering making a donation to our Parish. We rely entirely on donations from people like you to help us fulfill our mission of providing a spiritual home where people can come to worship God, receive the Sacraments, and learn about His teachings.
Online Donation: Make a donation online by clicking the donate now button at the top of the page.
Pre-authorization: this allows you to set up weekly or monthly donations to the parish. If you are interested in donating this way please fill out the form below and return to the Parish Office with a void cheque.
Bequest: A bequest in your Will to our Church is an acknowledgment of your returning to God a portion of the gifts He has bestowed on you during your lifetime. Leaving a gift to the Church in your Will is a profound way to return to the Lord a share of the blessings you received during your life. A bequest to the Church helps accomplish the mission entrusted to us by Christ. As the Church was there for you in your lifetime, you can now provide for your Church’s future ministry and maintenance.
Life Insurance: Life Insurance: Giving a gift through life insurance is a unique way to provide the Church with truly meaningful support in a very economical way. Gifts of life insurance allow people of all means to make truly remarkable gifts to their Parish or the Diocese. There are three different ways to give a gift of life insurance:
Purchase a new policy, and name your Parish or the Diocese as the owner and beneficiary. The premiums you pay on the policy are then deemed a charitable donation for which you receive a tax receipt.
Donate an existing policy that you no longer require. Once you assign the policy to your Parish or the Diocese, its cash value qualifies as a charitable donation for which you receive a tax receipt. Likewise, any ongoing premiums you pay are considered donations and are eligible for tax receipts.
Name your Parish or the Diocese as the beneficiary of an existing policy over which you maintain ownership. Upon death, a tax receipt is issued to your estate and the payment issued to your listed beneficiary.
The benefits of giving to the Church through life insurance: You can make a substantial and meaningful future contribution with modest, tax-deductible premium payments. The regular assets in your estate are retained for your family since your investment to St Joseph Catholic Parish is made out of income. You immediately become a major benefactor of our Parish, knowing that you will extend your support of the Parish beyond your lifetime. Your gift will not be reduced by taxes, legal fees, probate, or administration costs and the gift cannot be contested. There is no delay in payment as insurance proceeds pass to the Church outside the estate. You save income tax through tax credits realized from annual premium payments when the Church is made owner and beneficiary of your policy. Life insurance gifts can be structured to suit any financial situation. Consult your financial advisor for further advice.